Monday, July 28, 2008

3 years contract with Cathay Pacific Airlines

22nd July 2008 (Tuesday) is a memorable day as I have signed 3 years contract as a Flight Attendant with Cathay Pacific Airlines at Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. My life and career with Cathay Pacific will begin on 2nd September, I still have one month plus time in Penang with my family and friends, and for me to prepare everything and go Hong Kong. My actual training will be commenced on 8th Setember and last for 5 weeks with a test. I am looking forward for the training as I guess it must be full of challenges and fun, I am ready to learn and take up all challenges.
There're total of 53 Malaysians were being hired as flight attendants and there're only 9 guys out of it, I am really the lucky one. I will definitely grab this golden opportunity and treasure the career with Cathay Pacific and travel around the world. I am gonna start a whole new life soon with a total new environment and people. I have never expected that I will have the chance to work in the plane and travel around the world, I can't imagine myself in the Flight Attendant's uniform (hahaha!)
The CX staff briefed us the contents of the contract and shared with us the life of a flight attendant and told us a little bit about life in Hong Kong and of course about the 5 weeks training in CX City in Hong Kong. After listening to that, I am quite excited and look forward for the training and the life as a flight attendant. We'll be provided accommodation, it's an apartment style with fully furnished & with free internet access, 2 persons in an unit. We'll be staying at New Terrirories in Hong Kong.
During the pre-employment briefing, I have managed to know few new friends and I was so happy to know that there's in fact few are from Penang. At the end of the session, all of us signed the contract for 3 years and ready to go ......
We had Japanese Food at the Pavilion after my pre-employement briefing
I had a Japanese Curry Beef with potatoes and carrots, delicious!
Thanks to my best friend Kuang, Jeney and Joel that you guys accompanied me to KL, I was so touched!
We went to Times Square Neway Karaoke to sing and eat like HELL!!!
Eat and then exercise later .... Hahah!!!! The buffet at Neway are so tempting ...
Ginseng chicken soup .....
Yoyoyoyo!!! Best friends forever ....
On our way back to TUNE hotel after Karaoke session ...
Never forget my favorite 'Kuai Leng Kou' everytime when I go KL ..... Kuang, Joel and Jeney .... It has been a blessing to know friends like you guys, thanks for your support, accompaniment, concern and love ..... *hugs* I will miss you guys very very much when I leave Penang to Hong Kong .... *sob...sob* ="( I guess this trip to KL will be temporarily our final trip together before I leave, but I know we'll still have many more trips to come .... You guys always live in my heart!

One of our videos taken, we're having fun time at Neway:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Star Search Competitions 我参加的一些寻星比赛

我在这几年里参加了不少的歌唱和寻星比赛,我从不同的比赛里吸取了好多丰富的经验,经历了许多别人没办法经历的事情,认识了好多来自不同地方和国家的朋友,当然也学习到非常多宝贵的东西。 我在不知不觉中变得更加有自信,交友的圈子也因此变得更广了。虽然我有在比赛里失败过,但我觉得我赚到的东西反而更多。有时候回想起来还蛮有成就感的,因为我一直不断地丰富我的人生经验,我为我自己感到骄傲,我很佩服自己的那一份冲劲,那一份精神及胆量。我想在这里和大家一起分享我比较有成就的两个大型寻星比赛:【才华横溢出新秀2007】
【星的诞生 Born Star 2005】

Star Search 才华横溢出新秀 2007

【才华横溢出新秀】是新加坡最具代表性的寻星节目,造就了不少举足轻重的哥姐级演员和【红星大奖】影帝影后。今年第 9 届的【才华】距离上届的比赛相隔了 4 年之久。 【才华 2007 】由郭亮和权怡凤主持。 和历届【才华】一样,今年制作组除了在新加坡选秀,也把触角伸展到亚洲各区域,包括:马来西亚、上海、台湾等地。经过多轮试镜后,再从中选出具有潜质的 20 名参赛者。

今年 20 位来自不同国家的新秀们,将聚集在 “ 主场 ” 新加坡,接受训练,然后进行一轮又一轮的淘汰赛。 由于今年制作组按照参赛者的素质作为遴选标准,不考虑他们来自的地区,因此不是每一个地区都有相同人数的代表入选。 新秀们将面临以下考验:考造型、考才艺、考演技。 本节目将以现场直播方式呈献,共有 6 集淘汰赛,每周将淘汰两位参赛者;剩下的 8 位参赛者将在半决赛角逐最后 6 个大决赛名额。大决赛将在 11 月 4 日举行。

“才华”二十强 拍摄 宣传片

“才华”男十强 海报

记者招待会-“才华” 二十强 曝光了!

马来西亚 和 台湾 的参赛者

嘉洋、周颍 与 新传媒艺人-黄碧仁

复古造型 的 外景拍摄



陈总 与 摄影师-小洋

猴子兄弟-嘉洋 与 昊颍

克伦,嘉洋,昊颍 和 冠捷


马来西亚的三位代表:嘉洋、惠慈 和 美玲





“才华”参赛者的 聚餐会

陈邦均 与 我

与 碧仁姐一家人 在 新加坡东海岸 吃海鲜

兄弟 如 手足

在 乌节路 看电影

在 圣淘沙 观摩 新传媒节目 的 外景拍摄

Born Star 星的诞生 2005

All the 14 Born Star Winners with the Artiste Management at Press Conference

Born Star 2005 Grand Final - Top 14 WINNERS 十四强

Announcing the results 宣布成绩

Born Star Opening Dance Performance 开场舞蹈

Raynard from Penang

Born Star 的两位香港主持人 吴家乐 和 洪天明

戏剧环节 - 冲上“晕”霄 (搞笑剧)

Dance Training 排练舞蹈

Acting Training 演技训练

Road Show 宣传活动
"You better not come home"

With my trainer Yvoone Saw (Local Artist)

Change Image & Hairstyle

All the Top 50 Born Stars 五十强
